
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Penguin Post

*This is a paraphrased argument lightly massaged in favor of my atheist bias. The names and faces have been changed to protect the idiocy. Free will is a concept that theists argue explains evil in the world. It also creates a paradox for an omnipotent God. They can't have it both ways.


  1. The good old "LA LA LA LA, I'M NOT LISTENING" approach.

  2. I think Sam Harris said it best god would either have to be evil or impotent...and who doesn't love penguins!

  3. My favorite answer to this question (at least for the moment) is to ask if we have free will in heaven. Based on the above logic, either heaven doesn't have free will, or it does but it also has rapists and murderers.

    1. Very true, I haven't thought about that before. Heaven and hell have more problems than I can list.

  4. Are you willing to concede that God is evil?

    1. If there is a God, that is something to consider.

    2. I think it depends on what you mean by God (different people can mean very different things by "God"), and what you mean by evil.

      To answer your question, if by God you mean what the average Christian that I come across seems to mean, and if you have some reasonable definition for evil, then yeah, I think God is evil.
