
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Drinkin' and Prayin'

If you haven't noticed, I'm partial to infographics. I'm also partial to beer. Which leads us to this.
from FloatingSheep
Ever wonder what counties tweet more about church than beer and vice versa? Neither did I, but it's still interesting. My area is all red--meaning all church. Awesome.

Reminds me of that scene in the Simpsons movie when everyone in the bar ran into the church and everyone in the church ran into the bar when faced with death in the form of a giant dome.

How's the beer/church ratio where you live?


  1. I'm kinda shocked Geez I was just accosted this past week about church. And my facebook newsfeed is usually blown up by all the churchy stuff. Maybe it's because I don't tweet or twit or whatever. Then again I realize that all the churchy stuff that's blowin' up my newsfeed is ususally by the same folks who blow it up about beer-thirty on Friday night so...meh.

  2. That's a fascinating graph. I can't say it surprises me. Here in Mississippi, a group of very dedicated activists recently managed to get a state law passed that allows beer with higher alcohol content. I was surprised that it was successful, but it should finally allow micro-brewing to come to Mississippi.

  3. Beer/Church ratio for Scotland would be an interesting one to look into actually; we have a massive binge-drinking problem over here, after all.

    1. Stereotypically, we think Irish are the drunks in the US. Are Scots worse?

    2. Looking out my flat window right now and watching two drunken locals staggering their way home whilst nearby some girlie who's had one to many vodkas screams the lyrics to some song I can vaguely recognise from the charts, I'd say yes, yes we are.

  4. It looks like where I am there is more beer, which is shocking, unless people around here just don't feel that church is tweet-worthy, but PBR is. :-)

  5. This looks to be one of the most significant graphics of our generation. I just know it!

    My Colorado county is solid red. But that doesn't surprise me. The county is home to tens of thousands of Evangelicals. They've been migrating here since the late 1980s. And I'm just one guy -- I can't out drink all of them.

  6. Oh no, looks like I just moved from dark blue to dark red.
