
Friday, July 27, 2012

Random Thoughts on a Friday

If I made this blog a book it might be called Don't Sweat the Supernatual Stuff.

I kinda wish someone would write a prequel to the Book of Genesis. What was God doing in the dark for eternity?

It was easier for the Aurora theater shooter to get a M-16 rifle, a pump-action 12-gauge shotgun and a .40-caliber semiautomatic pistol than it was for him to find the correct color hair spray. Well done, NRA, well done. I can't wrap my head around the idea that the shooter was obsessed with Batman or the Joker if he didn't at least wait to see The Dark Knight Rises before commencing with the carnage. It's terribly sad news overshadowing a pretty awesome movie.

We live in a world where people think Adam and Eve really happened, and yet we've been to the moon. Humanity has some crazy range. Granted, we haven't been to the moon lately, but...

Since an idealized God can do anything and only does somethings over an infinite time frame, one more "omni" should be used to describe him. Omnibored.

Theist logic breaker: When did God create time?

I had a daydream about a modern day Noah hearing the voices in his head warning him of a flood. Imagine how embarrassed he would be returning all those ark supplies to Home Depot when it doesn't rain.


  1. The NRA stuff is a serious bummer. I don't understand why we can't have a rational discussion about it. You would think any reasonable person would be ok with getting rid of semiautomatic weapons.

  2. I kinda wish someone would write a prequel to the Book of Genesis. What was God doing in the dark for eternity?

    Ever read Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon? He has God creating an infinite number of successively-more-complex universes, with our own being the first of the "mature creation" period. The novel's God is a real shit, too -- very heavily into creating ever-more-sensitive beings to suffer for his entertainment.

    1. Sounds interesting, put it on my wish list. Unfortunately, it most likely will just be added to the ever growing list of books that I'll never actually get around to.

    2. It's going on my ever growing to-read list too.

  3. Good post bud. I like the "Theist logic breaker", it could tie in to your point number one...what was god doing before he created time? That could generate some wildly ridiculous answers...

  4. "We live in a world where people think Adam and Eve really happened, and yet we've been to the moon."

    Heck, science and medicine have done things that make Jesus' miracles look like parlour tricks! We've harnesed electricity, unleashed the power of the atom, built telescopes that can see into the far reaches of space, allowed for communication across the globe, cured diseases, etc. All those things fill me with more wonder than changing water into wine or creating unending bread and fish.
