
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Is There A Market For Atheist Greeting Cards?

I've been thinking. Every Hallmark has a religious card section that I specifically avoid. If atheist-friendly cards existed, I might be on board. Above is a mock up for a multi-purpose "congratulations" card. Not all the cards would have to be as "in your face" atheist as this one, but, say, some "sorry for your loss" cards that don't imply going to a "better place" might sell...right?

What do you guys think, should I start cranking these out?


  1. That might be a bit in your face for hallmark, but I bet people would buy it from a website.

  2. What an inspired idea! I think it's worth a shot. If nothing else, you should score high on the novelty factor, which would help sell.

  3. I think that's a good idea. I think the in your face cards will probably be good to get some traffic to your store, and probably they would be good for some novelty sales. But I really like the idea of cards that just don't have religious stuff that is normally there. A sympathy card that doesn't say "they are in a better place" would be nice. Especially if it was one I would feel comfortable giving to a religious person.

  4. Great idea – as long as they're spell-checked. Missed the apostrophe in "it's yours." ;-)

  5. I suspect that there would be a market - probably not a big one, but you might have some luck selling them at atheist conferences or over the Internet.

  6. I like the idea! I know there are a few doing atheist minded cards like Order of St Nick (although he may have stopped?) and has some really funny ones.

  7. I'm already doing atheist cards! And they're 100% free for anyone to print off their home printer.
    -Andy Stout
