
Monday, January 7, 2013

Atheist Interview 2.0

It's 2013 so I figure it's time to go out with the old and in with the...old, I guess. I'm restarting my series of interviews with favorite atheist bloggers. Originally, the idea was to trick other writers to provide free content for my blog while I rest on my laurels and watch the ad money flow in. Here are the folks who fallen for it thus far.
I've learned a few things since I started the series. First and foremost, there is no ad money in atheism. Second, everyone is far more talented and compelling then myself.

As per usual, I'll be asking five custom questions and two, all-new standard questions. So my question to you, commenters, is this: what standard questions should I ask? I don't want to waste a chance to see if the community is on the same page about something--anything. Nothing too obvious now, but I'm currently accepting ideas.

Also, if there is a blogger you think worthy of an interview, pass the name along. I already have a couple lined up for my interrogations.


  1. Hmmm... I think you've already got good questions in the lineup, so it's hard to add to them. The only thing I've come up with off the top of my head is:

    To what extent do you think Jesus was real, and why?

    The problem with that question is it presupposes Christian-atheism. Nevertheless, it could be interesting to see the range from absolute myth to wandering magician. But I'm not yet convinced that's a "great" question. I'll let you know if I come up with anything better.

    Oh, maybe:

    What are your favorite excuses other people come up with for your lack of belief? (angry with God, hopeless sinner, blind to the "evidence," etc.)

  2. I don't know - I thought you came up with some great questions before. As for ad revenue, all I'm seeing here is Those banners and widgets have never done much for me. You might give Adsense a try. You probably won't get rich from it, but it should bring in something.

    1. Yeah, I've been toying with the idea. I figure if the benefits are negligible, I'd rather not clutter the site.

  3. I think your questions are great. As far as new people to interview...Sheldon Cooper and Al Stefanelli come to mind.

    1. Sheldon is already a go. Maybe you can put in a good word to Al, don't know him yet. (Although I've been to his site)

    2. Thanks, John, for the recommendation ;)

      AL Stefanelli is a great blogger as well, he would be a great addition to this series.

      Another recommendation I have is reaching out to Godless Poutine, he's an atheist blogger from Montreal, he was my inspiration/mentor in blogging when I first started.

  4. If you fancy some more free ad moneys, I'd be happy to answer some questions.

  5. I'm looking forward to being a part of this series in the near future, and I have to say I'm kind of jealous that you have Hermant Mehta, The Friendly Atheist. ;)

    One blogger I forgot to mention in my last comment is Maria/bluharmony of the Skeptic Ink Network blog Skeptically Left, she's quickly become one of my favorites in the last few weeks.

    1. I'm going to consider a few people from Skeptic Ink, I already did one with the Arizona Atheist.

      Hemant has featured some of my stuff on his blog in the past. Nice guy.

  6. If you are still taking requests, then I'd like to see an interview of the Chaplain, from The Apostate's Chapel. Just to be sure, I believe she's an atheist, but it's possible I'm wrong, and she's an agnostic.
