
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Maybe You Have Too Much Faith To Be An Atheist


  1. If someone told me that he or she didn't have enough faith to be an atheist, I myself would not have enough faith to believe they were sincere.

  2. Awesome job Grundy! I am really liking your use of images to get your point across. With my tendency for being "long-winded" it would have taken me 4 pages to get that out!

    1. We need some long winded atheists out there. :-)

  3. Atheists don't even have to accept the things on the left.
    That's what naturalists, skeptics, and rationalists have to accept.

    All an atheist has to do is not believe in god. You can still think evolution is wrong, space aliens popped us into existence, etc.
    You can even believe in the Christian Heaven, except with nobody sitting upon the empty throne, and still be an atheist.

    1. You may be right about the second part of point 2, but you have to at least agree with the unaided part. How could one be an atheist and not accept 1, 3 & 4?

  4. Thank you for debunking the silly apologist myth that it takes more faith to be a nonbeliever than a Christian.

  5. Nice meme! Thanks for sharing.

  6. What theists seem to not get is that it does not take faith to be an atheist. It takes acknowledging reality and evaluating the facts. Faith as used in a religious sense has no place in an atheistic worldview.
