
Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Tumblr

Since I've doubled down on my more visual posts, I've been getting some traffic from Tumblr and Pinterest. I've also noticed that occasionally my stuff is posted without linking back here or giving credit. I figured this would happen, but to maintain some control of my content I'm starting a presence on both sites. First off, Tumblr.

You can follow both this blog and my tumblog with a minimal of redundancy. I don't plan on posting any long-form content there, just memes, quotes, and similar content I like from other Tumblrs.

Thanks for reading, as always.


  1. You know what they say... Imitation is the truest form of flattery, but copy-and-paste is a lot easier! :-)

  2. and I must think alike on several subjects so adding you to my blog roll so will know when you post something new. I call myself an "Agnostic" acknowledging I have no idea what religion is supposed to be about. I do think I know what it shouldn't be about.

  3. I found using Tumblr for pictures and short stories worked very well, it saves up space on the actual blog to post things of substance.

  4. I'm a proud link-backer:

  5. Awesome! I just followed you on Tumblr.

  6. Tumblr is great, although I have no idea how it works. Congrats.
