
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tweet Round-up

How easy was it to offer "God did it" as an explanation for everything when we didn't know things? About as easy as it is to check Wikipedia now that we do.

As an ex-Christian, I feel retrospectively dumb.

When the CAPTCHA I need to fill before posting a comment on a Christian blog is "FUCYOU" it's time to call it a night.

When gullibility is called "faith" and is considered a virtue, it's clear that atheism has a major branding problem.

Deleting your previous post, disabling my comments and blocking me does not improve your argument.

The gospels are loosely based on real events like Field of Dreams is loosely based on Baseball.

You’re not blessed, just lucky. You’re not cursed, just unlucky. Random stuff happens unguided by a fortune god in the sky.

Don't value faith, value trust. Trust can be earned, therein lies its value.

Apologists hate it when I go off script of their William Lane Craig handbook.

Dear creationists, mythology IS taught in schools, so let your religion die out already.

Dear Lord, please grant your followers the wisdom to quit believing in you. #paradoxicalprayer

If people really believed in God, I imagine more would be screaming “GOOOOOD!” to the sky similar to how Kirk yells “KHAAAAN!”

So...God makes a place of eternal torment to send those who refuse to believe he is a loving god? Awesome plan.

Mock the belief, not the believer.

If I continue debating apologists, I may develop a superiority complex.

For more, follow DeityShmeity on Twitter.


  1. Great roundup. Are all these yours? My favorite is "Mock the belief, not the believer," probably because I have a little trouble with that at times.

  2. "Apologists hate it when I go off script of their William Lane Craig handbook."

    I've had similar experiences with Christians. Their apologist arguments are flimsy, and they're genuinely surprised when people poke holes in them.

    "So...God makes a place of eternal torment to send those who refuse to believe he is a loving god? Awesome plan."

    Agreed. I never understood how burning people crispy for all eternity was loving.

    "Mock the belief, not the believer."

    If the belief is absurd enough, can't we mock the believer a little bit? Just a tiny bit?

  3. I agree, it's hard to mock the belief and not the believer because it's the believer's fault they're so stupid and gullible to believe it in the first place.
