
Sunday, March 31, 2013

An Easter Prayer Challenge

Today is Easter, so I’m assuming all this extra worship is giving the supposed big man upstairs a little extra juice. With this in mind, I have a request to make of the handful of religious readers of my blog: pray for me.

I know atheists tend to take the “I’ll pray for you” sign-off as insulting. Not me. Not today. I want a chance to see what Christians see in the world. I honestly envy the certainty you guys have in Jesus’ resurrection and the comfort that brings you. Please, pray to Him to pass on one of those revelations I hear so much about. My heart and mind are as about as open as they get.

...but I reserve the right to say prayer doesn’t work if I’m still an infdel tomorrow.


  1. I will take up your challenge with some reluctance. First, I profess here no creed; rather I would point to skepticism as to both atheism and organized religion alike. Still, science as shiny as it is, falls short of explaining the deep mysteries of this universe because, as currently structured, it is definitionally limited to those things it can measure. But your mind, be it ever so humble, is not so limited. Yes, it is foolish to believe in the Easter Bunny, but it is not foolish, even if rationally mistaken, to believe in an active universal source of intelligent power. Since you raise the question from a Christian perspective, consider the notion contained in some translations (and only some translations) that the kingdom of God is not something that comes with observation, but is within you (Luke 17:20-21, KJV). There is no magic here; nor is any magic required to realize that this notion is closer to Eastern mysticism than Western authoritarianism. Do not, therefore, look to the creeds found in any of the organized religions, not even the Eastern ones. Instead simply reach out to connect with that active universal source of intelligent power. This is a change in perspective, not a change in fortune. This may also be what Paul meant by 'putting on the new man' or becoming 'a new creature' (compare Ephesians 4:23-24; Colossians 3:10; 2 Corinthians 5:17). The point would be this: a change in perspective is something each person can do within their own mental makeup, and regardless of religion. Does it have to be right? No. But it may not be wrong, either. Does it have anything to do with asceticism? No. The Buddha solved that question. Does it have anything to do with moral rigidity? No. In my mind Jesus, not Paul, solved that question, whether or not he survived death, and whether or not he even existed. Does it have anything to do with putting on a holy air? No. Again, in my opinion, Jesus solved that problem as well. Does it have anything to do with an afterlife? No. It is a change in perspective, about one's connection to life, to the universe that supports the awareness of life, it is not about a change in one's fortune. It's available now. It's available to all. Pax.

  2. I won't be able to give into your request. It's hard for me to find any source of comfort in the idea of a resurrection.

  3. I can accept your Easter challenge Grundy, though I no longer profess to be a Christian or any other organized religion, I created my own, and I do pray, always have...always will. If there is a "source of intelligent power," "IT" certainly knows why I feel the way I do and why I pray for what I pray for. I assume if Jesus knows anything, he knows also. My religion is very simple based on my own personal spiritual experiences and I do believe in miracles...but where the source comes from I have no clue.
