
Friday, July 26, 2013

An Invented Religion



  1. When I first saw the title, I thought, "Aren't all religions invented by humans?" Anyway...

    I don't think I could create a religion more fine-tuned for control than fundamentalist Christianity or Islam. Scapegoating, suspicious of the outside world, fear, self-hatred, self-sacrifice, rigid hierarchies among members (adults over children, men over women, etc) -- all perfect for control.

    1. It is pretty perfect. The whole concept of faith in infallible leaders at the top of the hierarchy is really all you need. The rest is just gravy.

  2. All religions, whether people realize it or not, were invented.


  3. Great meme! :-) Not as catchy as some of the others you've done, but it does illustrate an important point very well.

  4. We have one that was invented, clearly for that purpose, in the full glare of recent recorded history: Mormonism. And it is clearly very similar to other Abrahamic religions (Smith modeled himself on Muhammad to an extent, but most prophets probably imitate successful predecessors). It does seem goofier than Christianity, but that's only because Christianity's myths are more familiar.

    Smith was already a known con man, and it's obvious to any objective observer what he was doing, but if we had as much reliable information about the founders of Christianity and Islam, no doubt we'd find them equally cynical and self-serving.

    1. Smith was a known con man as a young man, but I think by the time he invented Mormonism, he was so delusional that he actually believed it. Sure, he probably enjoyed the power and influence he had over his follower's lives, but I think he was a believer until the bitter end.

    2. Also, I see more influence from Christianity and the Masonic traditions/culture that he was so enamored with in Mormonism than I see any resemblance to Islam.

    3. Smith may have believed it by the time he invented Mormonism. It makes me also wonder if L Ron Hubbard started believing his writings as well, I mean that scientology also some whacked out stuff.

  5. Follow the great leader! I would properly replace Jesus with a 'Kim Jong Il-ish' kind of fellow and improve the layout of Christianity. Then I would eradicate all education systems, and create a new one where all should worship the omnipotent pope that needs to be reincarnated once in a while.
    The Pope, or God Incarnate as he will be known, will be vengeful.

    Oh and alter wine should be replaced by alter pale ale. Mmmm
