
Friday, August 23, 2013

Music Shmusic: Jay-Z's Heaven

Usually rap has a lot of "praise the Lord" talk mixed in with lyrics promoting questionable morals. I was pleasantly surprised to hear a song with a more skeptical take from Jay-Z.

Listen to Jay=Z talk a little about the sony in this promo for his new album, which I happen to like a lot.


  1. "Question religion, question it all. Question existence until the problems are solved".

    I was surprised to hear that line. I'm not very familiar with hip-hop, but it would make sense that many of them would pay some sort of lipservice, and maybe even genuine respect to Christianity because of it's heavy influence in African American culture, especially among the older generations.

    1. I was surprised too and for the same reason.

  2. Love it! Thanks for sharing, it has gone into my must listen music.

  3. I am not the greatest rap fan, but I must say I will give it a listen after listening to the brief interview. When he explained heaven as been alive I thought that makes a lot of sense. I always thought JayZ was a believer guess he is also a stop atheist rap :)

    1. "Next stop, atheist rap".

      That would be fun to see how well it would go over with hip hop fans, lol
