
Friday, August 24, 2012

Links Shminks #7

Baywatch star Donna D'Errico gives up on her search for noah's ark after some injuries to her body and pride. I thought this was the plot for a sexually charged Indiana Jones remake, but turns out it's real.

If I didn't have any other responsibilities, was financially independent, and had friends who wanted to join me, a high-concept treasure hunt might be a fun disguise for a vacation. However, I would only go looking for prizes that logistically could exist--that rules out the ark. The saddest bit: this was posted on NBC's science page!

You know I love Infographics, and here's one on media bias. I wasn't surprised by FOX News, of course, but it looks like most networks are more negative towards Obama. I imagine that is skewed considering Obama gets more coverage than Romney. Besides, there are a bunch of other Republicans even more worthy of negative press.

Bill Nye speaks out against raising kids in creationism. He's quite the science guy!

In this video, Biblical creation is presented in a scientific manner while presenting the King James version of actual creation. It's a little disorienting.

Here we break down some historical evidence for Jesus.

I like the Browser's Five Books series of interviews. Here's a discussion of God and morality complete with a reading list.

No links to Atheism Plus. Everyone else is writing about it and I don't want to encourage them. Bundling causes is what leads people who are legitimately for smaller government to suddenly want capital punishment and unregulated gun emporiums without ever thinking about forming their own opinions. I like gays and women just fine, but I don't want to be caused out of the market.


  1. When Sarah Palin emerged on the political scene, I remember wondering whether I was making a mistake by not just ignoring her. With the benefit of hindsight, I think I did the right thing by trying to expose her instead. With the whole "atheism plus" thing, I find myself similarly conflicted. If we ignore it, it may go away faster. On the other hand, I worry that silence may imply consent. Not an easy decision either way.

    1. I can dig it, but I don't think it's a movement just yet. It's a blog post that stirred up enough controversy to get a lot of links and therefore hits. Good for the author, but I'm not contributing.

  2. I can dig it, but I don't think it's a movement just yet. It's a blog post that stirred up enough controversy to get a lot of links and therefore hits. Good for the author, but I'm not contributing.
